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  • llmadrhku

Upcoming Summer School on Transnational Dispute Resolution in Italy

For those interested in further honing your dispute resolution skills, the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) are jointly organizing the 2nd edition of the Summer School on Transnational Dispute Resolution.


The program will take place from 16 September 2014 in the beautiful settings of Palazzo Feltrinelli at Gargnano (Brescia), on the shores of Lake of Garda (Italy) and in the city of Lisbon.   The Summer School is structured in three different modules on Mediation, International Commercial Arbitration and Transnational Litigation respectively. The first and the second modules will be held in Gargnano and the third one in Lisbon.  More information on the program can be found here.

The course will combine theoretical lessons as well as practical and interactive sessions (seminars, workshops, simulations, mock trials), all held in English.

Prospective applicants should send in your application form along with your CV in English (max 2 pages) and an introduction letter to on or before Friday, 30 May 2014.

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