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Apply Online 

Our online application, generally open between December and February each year, is available here.


Tuition Fees

Please refer to the HKU Law Faculty website regarding information on tuition fees (for both local and non-local students):


Continuing Education Fund (CEF)

The following five courses have been included in the list of reimbursable courses for the HKSAR Government Continuing Education Fund (CEF) purposes:-

  • Arbitration Law (CEF course code: 21Z07655-8)

  • Arbitration Practice, Procedure and Drafting (21Z07656-6)

  • Contract Law (21Z07657-4)

  • Mediation (21Z07658-2)

  • Negotiation: Settlement & Advocacy (21Z07659-0)


According to the regulation of the CEF, applicant should submit an application for opening a CEF account BEFORE the first reimbursable course commences and the application form is required to be certified by us before submission. If you enroll in more than one CEF course, you are only required to submit your application in respect of the FIRST REIMBURSABLE COURSE. Please fill in the details of the first reimbursable course in the application form. Once you have obtained approval in-principle from the CEF Office for opening account, you need not submit a second application for other reimbursable course(s).


Please check your eligibility to apply for CEF from the “Guidance Notes for Application” or contact the CEF Office directly if you have any further enquiries.


Eligible applicants will be reimbursed 80% of their course fees, subject to a maximum sum of HK$10,000 in a lifetime (whichever is the lesser) on successful completion (generally minimum 70% attendance requirement AND minimum grade D from 2012-2013) of a CEF reimbursable course. Please refer further details and download the application form from the website of CEF (


Below are some hints for you to complete the CEF application form:

Name of Institution: The University of Hong Kong
CEF Institution Code: 001
CEF Course Code: Please fill in the code of your first reimbursable course (see above, e.g. 21Z0765…..)
CEF Course Title: Your first reimbursable course, e.g. Arbitration Law (Compulsory module from LL.M. Degree Programme in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution)
Actual Tuition Fees Paid: Please fill in the amount paid for your first reimbursable course
Commencement Date: The start date for your first reimbursable course


The certified application form together with a photocopy of the applicant’s HK Smart ID card and if applicable one-way permit should reach the Office of CEF before the FIRST reimbursable course commences. In order for us to certify that you have paid the tuition fees, please show us the course fee payment receipt (or computer print copy if payment via intranet) when you bring or mail in the application form to us for certification.


Should you have any further questions on CEF, please feel free to let us know or contact the Office of CEF directly at 3142 2277 (24-hour manned enquiry hotline).



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