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  • llmadrhku

New Book: Mediation in Hong Kong: The Way Forward (Katherine Lynch & Erica Chan Eds)

A new book containing insights into the progress and development of mediation in Hong Kong has recently been released by the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law.  The editors, Katherine Lynch, Director of the LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law and Erica Chan, Assistant Secretary General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center have done an expert job synthesizing the findings of a 2007 Conference on Mediation in Hong Kong.  The papers cover an important and relevant set of topics including: mediation in building management, the Hong Kong Government’s experience of mediation for the resolution of public works contracts, social welfare and family mediation in Hong Kong and the development of mediation services in the Judiciary.   In the introduction to the book, Dr. Michael Moser describes mediation in Hong Kong as “entering a new stage” following the decision of the Chief Executive in October 2007 to develop mediation services in Hong Kong.  In this context, the collection of papers provides an “ideal opportunity to ‘take stock’ and map out the way forward” for the future development of mediation in the region.

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